Friday, July 18, 2008

Pin Ponies

How cute are these! I went to the mail and found a package from Connie McBride Johnson at
Connie ran a contest and I won! Madam P spent way too much time saying "AWWWW", and she has already taken her pony.

Connie gave three choices of what to make these felt ponies into, I chose pins. She is a talented pin doll artist, creates cute mascots, and I'm amazed at her puppetry.

Check her out. C & G Design.


  1. They are cute....glad you won them.

  2. Gee, I forgot to push publish post last night so I've only been on for an hour. They are cute and a portable project!

  3. They are soooo cute but I like anything animals!

    Sorry about your late posting. I have been a wee bit paranoid this past week with the process but did fine. I so feared loosing a posting scheduled. I would have died.....

  4. Now what contest did I miss?

  5. Hi guys,
    Skeeter, I sooo know what you mean about the posting, it's like..."now what did I do?!?!"
    Hi Cam, My sister in in Tenn. How nice to be a DJ?
    Tina, it was a contest on Connie's site, glad to see ya home.

  6. Hi Dawn- So glad you liked the little ponies. They were a lot of fun to make and I hope you enjoy wearing them as pins. Take care.


She who dies with the most fabric, wins.