Friday, October 23, 2009

The Last Hurrah

Tonight, it will be all over until next year. My football player is ending the season on high clouds. He will be playing tail back tonight and may run the ball for yardage. Tailback is just in front of the quarterback who fakes/completes hand offs to others, the tail being top choice. My son tells me a particular play was added at practice just for him and if all goes, it will be his ball.

He is also playing tight end, to guard on the side of the line. I guess he earned this position because they need for him to wipe the opposition side out and in a coaches words "Your there because you can't get your caucus there quick enough." Tee hee, Dad and I laugh because that's how ya handle him.

Our school had it's first win in 3 years this season and if we win tomorrow we will have a great chance in being in the play offs. We still need a little help from others (If so and so loses, and they win) but it looks good.

Keeping my fingers crossed. C&G Design


  1. Luck and prayers to the star football player!! Hope they win big...but if not...he has done a fine job and come a long way...what a blessing that is!

  2. Good Luck to the players.

  3. My fingers and toes are all crossed!!!! Much luck to the Babe and the whole team. Let us know. I guess this post comfirms what I thought you meant the other day. It was Morse that canceled?

  4. Yes, much to every parents disappointment.

  5. Good luck tonight. I wish we had a band member or player to watch at a football game in fall. The best!

    And, yes, set that stone! Congratulations on your win.

  6. Good luck tonight. Hope you son gets to run the ball.

  7. Very exciting!! Hope all goes well tonight.


She who dies with the most fabric, wins.