Oh my gosh....took me awhile to catch on and when it finally dawned on me, she laid on my counter next to the sink before I decided to do anything more with her. One day I picked her up and inspected closely as to what I could do.....I came to the conclusion that I could cut her under the hairline at the base of her back neck, remove the head stuffing and wash her. So that's what I did...
I'd have to reuse the original stuffing because it is rather threadlike and very firm, I have nothing like it. So I cut off the dirty spots and it didn't look that bad.
It was very difficult to put back in, I was very afraid she'd rip but I allowed a line of glue to dry around the opening to prevent that mishap, it worked like a charm.
After stitching it up, I glued the hair down. As seen it the photo, I had a small repair to the crank opening.
While I was working with her I kept this one thought in my mind, "She could be entirely remade and she'd be better." But I pressed on.
Her face faded so badly that she needed repainting, also.....I forgot to mention. The smudges on her eyes? Yep....apparently glue because when I pulled the stuffing.....it ripped the eyes, oh dear. They needed re-gluing and repainting too.
I think I killed her! C&G Design.