At the time of writing this post I find myself done with removal of the paint from my composition doll. The arms were rather difficult to do because of the obvious fingers but I managed to keep them all in tact! I was really surprised to find the arms are totally different from the other hard parts of my toddler. The color of the composition doesn't match up with the others and I suspect the arms were made at a different factory.

The material is sticky and by the time I was done, it had the texture of snakeskin.

The arms may pose the biggest challenge of reworking this doll, although I've developed a secondary problem. The doll is drying out and as it does, she's managed a crack under her chin that runs the length of her neck. I've kept on top of repairing it but I've discovered that less handling is better. Below is a photo of the first layer of putty applied to the arms, I'm in the process of a second coat. I'm hoping that's all she'll need.

Just sanding left. C & G Design.