I always thought the word "wrought" was the kind of iron, in other words, what it is composed of. Nope, it means "working" and I believe it was assigned by the Britain.

PUDDLING-which was the method used during the industrial revolution, it dealt with melting contained over a reverbertory furnace. The melting is stirred with rods that dissolve within the iron. This gives it the correct amount of oxygen and carbon.
OSMOND-A open hearth, narrow and deep, with charcoal fire blown with bellows. The iron drops through the blast and is lifted into the fire with rods spinning rapidly to form balls.
Today we smelt iron or steel, that's a process where it's cooled just before reaching melting temperature, cooled to form a spongy matter that is hard and able to recycle.
Both above mentioned methods are obsolete in today's market.

Truly pathetic my dog has his own bed with mats. C & G Design.