Saturday, February 28, 2009
Vintage Pink Tee's
Not old tee shirts, just vintage. You know, all the cute little tee's the current population of pre-teens and teens are wearing? Wh-iy, I could never get away with that, I'd be a forty something, ex big haired mom trying to look hip and meanwhile.......embarrassing my daughter to which these shirts belong to. The first one is my favorite.
She bought this one with her Dad when he took her to the dentist for a filling, ugh.

Friday, February 27, 2009
What is it? I know what steam is, and I know what punk is, but what is "Steampunk"!?!! I'd never heard of it until I started selling on Etsy. Humm....
I've looked at beautiful babbles, bobbles and whatnot's on Etsy labeled "Steampunk" and it's always a look of quizzelsment. One seller even described her one ware as the only "ode to Steampunk" she will have. She called it good....
Wikipedia defines "Steampunk" as a sub-genre of fantasy + speculative fiction. What?
The term denotes a era when steam was wildly used and items are set with a Victorian flare. The above photo is an example of a custom steampunk computer, steampunk lighting. Jewelry can consist of lockets, cogs, keys, watch parts and or faces, etc. Anything considered with movement and or mechanical combined with the appropriate technology. Remember gothic punk? (Beetlejuice!) Punky punk? (Cindy Laupier! Joan Jett!) Well, "Steampunk" reference came to prominence in the 1980's to early 1990's, now I ask you.......
Where was I? C&G Design

Wikipedia defines "Steampunk" as a sub-genre of fantasy + speculative fiction. What?
The term denotes a era when steam was wildly used and items are set with a Victorian flare. The above photo is an example of a custom steampunk computer, steampunk lighting. Jewelry can consist of lockets, cogs, keys, watch parts and or faces, etc. Anything considered with movement and or mechanical combined with the appropriate technology. Remember gothic punk? (Beetlejuice!) Punky punk? (Cindy Laupier! Joan Jett!) Well, "Steampunk" reference came to prominence in the 1980's to early 1990's, now I ask you.......

Thursday, February 26, 2009
I have found a new medium to work with and that's copper. It's wonderful, it's soft, has a delightful rust color and will patina to shades of green.
Having spent almost 4 years building a house, I've collected many of copper wire strings, it's expensive and I knew in the near future I'd be working some craft with it.
To create with copper wire it is recommended to use gloves for a better grip, pliers (especially needle nose), wire cutters, and several dowels up to the size of a broomstick, used for curling.
Copper wire comes in gauges 4 to 26, the smaller the number the thicker the wire. Clearly, if you are crafting a plant hook (weight holding) you will need the thicker wire and better tools to shape with as it's also harder to bend.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A New Book about Raggedy Ann
Hubby brought home another collectible find, this cute little book. Look familiar?
My little 8'' x 5 1/2'' book contains the stories I've found on the Project Gutenberg.http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/18190
I've already blogged about Ann, who learns a lesson + Ann and the kite.

This book is published by Avenel, a company I've never heard before. Inside the book jacket it indicates Avenel is a division of Crown Publishers, Inc. no copyright date though. Is it possible the book is so old it was in circulation before the required copyright stamp? I didn't think so but I was not hoping to find it in one of my value book either.

Some of the picture plates are sketched,

This book is published by Avenel, a company I've never heard before. Inside the book jacket it indicates Avenel is a division of Crown Publishers, Inc. no copyright date though. Is it possible the book is so old it was in circulation before the required copyright stamp? I didn't think so but I was not hoping to find it in one of my value book either.

Some of the picture plates are sketched,
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Big Nor'easter Storm
Look at what I saw when I woke up yesterday morning. Darn, I was feeling so close to spring too! This storm dumped at least 24 inches,
of real sticky snow. My poor pin cherry trees. Oh well, they are coming out anyway, can't get this mobile out without damaging the the trees.
One of my favorite hemlock trees....it's overhanging my rock wall now!!!
Look! A brown spot in nature!
The hemlock that is nearest my deck, goodness.

Pitiful pine tree I planted 10 years ago.
Massive trees right outside my bedroom window, should I worry? I always worry about these when the wind blows.

I have never seen this much snow sticking to the siding before, not from a fall at least. Maybe from snow blowing a walkway, although snow should never be blown towards a dwelling.
My kids had this day off from school (Monday), it's a planned day for my district, extending the February vacation I guess.

Pitiful pine tree I planted 10 years ago.

I have never seen this much snow sticking to the siding before, not from a fall at least. Maybe from snow blowing a walkway, although snow should never be blown towards a dwelling.

Did we have fun teasing them about school being cancelled. Back to the grindstone now!
C&G Design.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Taking a Break from Winter Break
Ahhh, wouldn't it be nice to bathe in seventy degree pool water? Wouldn't it be nice to run around in eighty degree, humid air? Well, New England is being hit with another Nor'easter, 12 to 18 inches.
Luckily Madame was invited to a friend's birthday party that was celebrated at a local campground, the pool is available all winter. She was able to refresh herself from the winter blahs, and play some beach ball. I was dreaming of a warmer day,

Sunday, February 22, 2009
The Drillpress
There is a method to Christmas gifting, least within your family. Madame is so easy to shop for, I purchase her craft items I think I would like. Such as the case with the rock driller.
My fear is that it ends up being a high priced toy. It sure looks pretty plasticity and maybe that it could break in any moment. The directions include safety precautions about the gadget not working without enough water or with the containment door open....containment door, sounds kinda like a live ,high bacteria experiment.

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Pink Sweetgums!
My contribution for PINK SATURDAY is this lovely sweet gum wreath I just finished and posted about on Thursday. Moise on over to How Sweet The Sound to read about other pink people.
I took all the pictures without the flash so we could see the natural color of everything. The little Hydrangea flowers are from my own bush which makes this completed wreath even more gratifying.
We have it hung on the outside of our bedroom door, it fits perfectly.
The dried flowers are first sprayed with hairspray to stiffen them and then several heavy coats of clear lacquer is applied. The hairspray helps the flowers avoid drooping when sprayed with the clear paint.

I especially like the way the refection in the glass appeared. Special thanks to Skeeter for the sweet gums, without her I never would of made such a pleasing piece.

I especially like the way the refection in the glass appeared. Special thanks to Skeeter for the sweet gums, without her I never would of made such a pleasing piece.
C&G Design
Friday, February 20, 2009
Plenty 'ole Plowing
New England was hit again, we had another snow storm that lasted all night and all day. Snow is really pretty when it's the first of the season but after that.....it becomes a waiting game with Spring. This snow is really wet and heavy, reminiscence of warmer temperates coming.
My area got about 8 inches, a far cry from the foot the weathermen were predicting. Plowing, plowing, and more plowing.....get a load of my "farm truck", it's a 1981 which makes it 28 years old! We just had it tuned up for the first time in 10 years, she starts and runs better than most. Check out how it slips on the ice when the breaks are applied. This faithful Ford takes a lot when the winter months arrive, thank goodness we have it!
Seeing spring. C&G Design
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Sweetgum Wreath
I'm pretty sure the consumers that have sweet gum trees at their home, hate the spiny like flower they drop every year. I know Skeeter does, she was kind enough to send me a huge box of these "dried blooms", I adore them and wish the tree would grow here in Maine. Thanks Skeeter! Next time let me pay postage!
First thing I went for....you guessed it, a wreath. Wreaths represent the never ending circle, be it life, love, or happiness. It is always a symbol of continuance.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Raggedy Ann and Andy Stationary
For first time writers, a stationary paper with Ann and Andy greeting you, with their perpetual smiles. The young writers can use the guided lines for height and space and be inspired by a fun loving brother and sister pair. Left click and then print target or save as....then print from 'my pictures.'
Visit DLTK's Growing Together for more child friendly educational supplies. C&G Design

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Veshneau, the new cat
I'm quite sure we did not need a third cat....Madame thinks we can have numbers to the tenth spot, ahhhh.... we went and did it again. Absolutely no more kitties!
Veshneau is part Siamese, which part? Who knows. She has blue eyes....does that count?
She is also slightly crossed eyed, especially when you pet her on her head! I was concerned how docile she would be with the other cats, reportly she is "mellow".
Wooly bosses Sophia and Sophia has much more weight on her then Veshneau. Wooly! Forget it. A Maine coon cat is almost double Veshneaus size, least my Maine coon is, Veshneau......is top cat, Wooly is frightened! Veshneau is sooo possessive of Madame, she follows her around like she's a puppy. Veshneau even growls at Tartarus if he gets to close to Madame.
I guess that's what happens when you original owner is incarcerated and you "loan" your cat to your girlfriend. Your girlfriend dumps you and moves to an apartment, cat goes to ex-girlfriend's daughter's friend. Daughters friend has 3 cats already and when time goes by........parents lay the line. Find Veshneau a home or it's a shelter. Well! That would be Madame's friend too!

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