Sunday, May 31, 2009
Redwork, Block 17, Parakeet

Saturday, May 30, 2009
It's a Birthday!

Friday, May 29, 2009
School Concert
Here is Madame playing her saxophone, I can tell when she is nervous, she was. What quickly happened was the 2 flutes, a drum and a trumpet lost step, the players all told her, ON STAGE, that thanks to her lead they caught up. Truth be told, saxophone RULES!

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Redwork, Block 16-Butterfly

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Raggedy Ann gift wrap

Left click on the photo and then click print. Wa-la! Hopefully. C&G Design
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Redwork, Block 15, Peeper
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Redwork, Block 14-Sea Turtle

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Princess for a day
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Redwork, Block 13-Harbor seals

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Raggedy Ann + Andy Wall Art

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Redwork-block 12, Puppies

Monday, May 18, 2009
Black Magic Skin Doll

Posted by Hattons Gallery of Dolls, Selling quality antique and fine vintage dolls
This was another one of those crazy moments, walking into Goodwill and spying a shopper to my left, talking on her cell, and turning this beautiful doll over and over. Will she be distracted and put it back? No such luck, drats, why does that always work with everything else!?

Surely, I'd at least deserve a closer look, OHHH! How I don't like missing something by that much! A smidgen. Following her would only make me look stalkerish, and she is still talking on the phone.......
I want to say at this point, I thought the dress on this doll was not original, but I've since changed my mind. The only information I could find on her was the ad shown above. This dress is one piece, I suspect her shoes were hot pink to match, she wore simple socks. It might be difficult to find hot pink shoes but maybe with EBay, I'll have some luck. My doll has no rips in her skin, she does have this hole in the back of her neck, I thought it was for a pull string that broke, but it is apparently for ventilation. She is stuffed with something so soft, I can't even describe it. She will slowly return to her shape after being squeezed in the tummy. I believe this hole makes this possible.Back to the cell phone talking lady, Well...we found ourselves at the hard goods, she still on the phone, me pretending to shop. Much to my amazement she ended her conversation and double checked this baby doll, put it in the seat of her cart two times.....digging her glasses out of her purse, checking the neck....(no marks)...and just when I was going to give up, she slams it down on a top shelf and quickly walks off. The poor guy looking at the stationary made a slight move towards my doll, I a-u-t-o-m-a-t-i-c-l-y reached across his face and grab this lovely beauty. 'Sorry', I said.
Okay, she was $12.99, a bit more than what I usually pay but.....I knew, Horseman? The oldest doll maker, I can spot one from across a gym!
The Horseman site has a listing of all dolls made by the company, the site claims if it is unmarked it is not "Horseman". It also states many parts, heads and molds were made for other companies.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Redwork-block 11, Kangaroo
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Pink Saturday Paints

Friday, May 15, 2009
Redwork-block 10, Squirrel

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Redwork-block 9, Bear

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Blogiversary Give-a-way! Raggedies! June 5

I'm planning some different post for the week leading up to June 5 th (Friday), I want to review the projects I accomplished over this year, set some goals for the upcoming year and may! beee my blog will interview me! (thanks! Tina)! What else, I'm not sure but I'm betting it won't be of the usual postings, crafts/family.
Signed: Dawn 1996
Each doll is 18 inches and really...not a play doll, they are more of a display doll. More information can be read here.
And since I'm currently working on a red work project, I decided to whip up this little beauty of a pillow. It's 12' x 12', sashed with complimentary Raggedy material, and flanked with eyelet lace. It's cute! This pillow would be a great eye catcher in any home, who wouldn't love Ann and Andy dancing together on their couch or bed!?
Handwritten signature and date, in lower right corner, on back of pillow.

Have fun! C&G Design