I had a elaborate post including the video of Thriller, I wanted it to be among my daily rambles, I had downloaded it once before when I had dial-up, it took all day, no kidding. It took only minutes with Road Runner, except, it won't load to blogger. Either way, Madame and myself have wanted to learn the dance for 2 years, ever since the 25 year anniversary of the video became to big thing on the news programs, Madame has the written steps and maybe someday.....we will highlight our talents!
So at least I can link it, see Thriller here. The world is saddened by the passing of a great music icon, he changed dance, and pop rock. He made millions in music sales and music sales made millions on him, he was Michael Jackson.
The innocent looking 10 year old who sung "ABC...easy as 1,2,3" with his 4 older brothers, is no longer and he will be sadly missed. Michael had 3 children.I want to add that early reports have the probable cause of death as a massive coronary at 50, pending toxicology.

I also want to say something about America's most famous "Charlie's Angels", Farrah Fawcett. In the seventies, she was truly what every girl wanted to be and every boy wanted! Her passing came the same day as Michael Jackson and although not unexpected, sad, she was so young, only 62. Farrah died from a rare form of cancer she had courageously fought for 3 years, she leaves a son she had with Ryan O'Neil. She is an Angel now.
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