Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Outdoor Furniture, Part 2
What does this photo have to do with furniture? This is the introduction photo of the first post I wrote on my outdoor furniture. Well, that was to show the shower curtains, the wooden circles have more to do with this post.
I call these ice cream chairs, they are much like bistro chairs except I thought the side mounts made them much like the little seats that dawned every soda fountain in the 50's. What do I know? I like them because they are wrought iron and cute!~
My husband and I had a slight misunderstanding, he assumed when he said "he'd like them painted green", that I understood ALL the outdoor furniture was going to be ballpark green. That included the redwood set and the wicker set. O.K......, no. But these can be green and I won't protest to much....and hey, those white plastic chairs? They would look great green!

Saturday, May 29, 2010
Sweet Treats
Happy bithday tooo youuu,
Happy birthday tooo youuu........
How old are youuuu,

Friday, May 28, 2010
Outdoor furniture
Okay, these are some more undone projects. I'm still working on my walker doll and my mother goose quilt but I really needed to do these.
Many of you could see the ole' wicker set I have on my deck from the other photos I've posted (like yesterday's post!), well....every piece of outdoor furniture came from Goodwill, Salvation Army...or in the case of the wicker, a yard sale. Time for a face lift on every one of them.
A couple of weeks ago my hubby sturdied up this wooden set, the table and chairs have been outside for the last....oh, say, 10 years, gosh! The umbrella has been in storage and the casing for it needs a large zipper (that has gone a stray).
Amazing enough, I have had the fabric for all these seating spots, oh say.....10 years! I even cut the pieces and foam for it but for some reason, never got to sewing it. I think that's when I broke my leg/knee and was in rehab for quite some time. Anyway, it made it easy to do.....I started with a double sided pouch, one side for the seat, one for the back. I hadn't forgot I tucked shoe strings in with the fabric, they are used to attach the cushion to the chair. Honestly......I am cheap. I know it would be easy buying a $35.00 chair cushion but really, would I get what I want? Instead, I buy 3 waterproof shower curtains for $6.00 each and I make what I want, no thick foam for this application. (PS, I LOVE this pattern!)
Here you can see where the ties are placed....

The next time you see this set, hopefully it will be sanded and re-stained redwood. This is my favorite patio set.
Oh there's my coon cat! Waiting for those outside cat beds. C&G Design.

The next time you see this set, hopefully it will be sanded and re-stained redwood. This is my favorite patio set.

Words and photos by Dawn,C&G Design.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
For the last 3 days it has been in the 90's here. Hot, much like a blast furnace. I thought Sunday, it was kinda nice, but today.....the stillness has been stifling.
It was chilly last week and I was assuming, since the weatherman predicted rain by the middle of the week thru Memorial day, it would be chilly again. Well, the weatherman has changed his story and we are no closer to breaking out the a/c.
The air was heavy and hard to breathe, eating a cooked meal is out of the question. Roasting by oven and sweating by silverware is not my idea of a enjoyable family meal.
My 13 year old dog has panted straight for the last two days, my reclusive cat has lazied around on my umbrella shaded deck table having not near the energy to hunt, chase or torture anyone but me. Who invited her up there anyway?
My Siamese thinks she owns the other end of the deck and flops around whenever she gets the chance.
My other cat, the Maine coon cat that is so sweet and lovable, who has a four inch fur coat because he won't let us shave him,..........wants to snuggle.

I'm beginning to believe he's covering and instead,
is truly insane. C&G Design
Words and photos by Dawn,C&G Design.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Ann and Andy
What was I saying last week.....and then I walk into one of my regular rounds for thrifting and wa-la! A box of unused patterns, I purchased all the Ann I could find (6). I had to limit myself to 10 but ended up with 11. $7.59 for all eleven when at most times, that would be the cost of one.
This is the first of the patterns I will be giving away. I'm sorry if I infringe on the rights of the creator or copyright, I'm just trying to give a boost to the people I have great admiration for. The Prairie Grove Peddler is still in existence today although this pattern is from 1993.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Fun Flooring
Hey, I know last year when I wrote about my goals for this year, I said I would have a vote on what decor I'll have in my studio. Well, I had an opportunity come along and I had to take it.
Laminate flooring in this polka dot pattern. At first I had decided on the hot pink with light pink dots but at the store we decided the black would go with anything. I know, I know it sounds kooky, it is kooky. But! I have a surprise for the walls, I'm trying to not post on it until the room is done but since we have been very busy, I might have to spoil the end and talk about it.
Until then, this is our floor choice, whatdaya....think? C&G Design
Words and photos by Dawn,C&G Design.

Until then, this is our floor choice, whatdaya....think? C&G Design
Words and photos by Dawn,C&G Design.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Starting this season veggie garden
It has warmed in the northeast, enough to feel comfortable that it will not dip below freezing again (I hope). With that kind of weather we surged on to get the veggie garden planted, that included the techniques implanted to keep away the critters.
Well, I found Doris (we'll call her that!), check out her missing eyes and the fact she has a stub for her left arm. Drat those rodents who find their way into my storage and feel they need vintage buttons, to what!? Decorate their dens!?!
Anyway, we will try again....I also tattered her skirt, I figure the movement would be more prominent with a loose fabric. Doris is stuffed with plastic grocery bags, it minimizes the mold from the moisture but does nothing to aid her in standing straight. She leans considerably to the front but would almost be laying down if I tried to stand her straight. Who cares as long as she works, my kids call her the "Welcomingcrow", aren't they nice?
We finally settled on the rotation of almost all the crops, the peas will be hard to move as we will have to up the fencing and the carrots, onions have no choice but to flip spots each year. I do like them in the "sandbox", it seems to cut down on the weeds.
Here is hubs prepping for the 'taters. Oh, Doris is standing dead center of the corn. Please work and keep those raccoons away, it will be very discouraging to lose the corn again.
I have to say....I'm proud of my year's compost, black gold it is.
Madame planting the onion sets. She doesn't seem to mind doing these even though she hates onions. Notice the tin plates hanging off the fencing (tied with string) in the background. Yet another attempt to keep the critters away. For the birds it is a shiny movement when the wind catches it, for every other animal, it bangs when it settles back down from the wind. Not much but it may be all it takes, I hope.
Compost cut with rotted manure.

Sunday, May 23, 2010
500 Handmade Dolls
Oh, I have just discovered Amazon books and what a mistake! I could overspend there, not to mention having the patience to wait for it in the mail. Lookie! Lookie!
This caught my eye, only after the $105.00 dollar book that explains designing a doll (I think I can wait), anyway, there isn't really an explanation as to why this caught me except to say....it isn't a pattern book but more like a museum book full of inspiration.
All 500 dolls are listed but maker, title and material used, some are simple, some include things like chicken bones and fish skin. Ew.
How do you like Dewey?
Or, she's cute. Such ideas.
The book is divided by sections, non-traditional, traditional, fantasy, found objects--assemblage, and finally...cloth.
Witches makeover....
Even my husband was impressed with the realistic looks of these small works of art, they are beautiful.
This one is nylon. Can you imagine? It's the one that astonished my husband. Emits talent for sure.
This is is called confidant. Can ya think about that cuddly family pet that never divulged your darkest secrets? I can.
This one is a flat faced cloth, how wonderful to be able to capture such expressions.
Annonette Cely did this cloth doll, she is all over YouTube with tutorials and such, love her.

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