It is with a heavy heart to find CC of Lace 'n' Ribbon Roses no longer in the blogging world, she had had a terrible fall breaking her pelvic and was recovering from it when she was in and out of the hospital with different ailments. Her passing was September 5th.
CC will be missed, she was a very special lady whom loved and collected Sunbonnet Sue like I collect Raggedy Ann, she even posted several Ann transfers especially for me.
You can find a final post by CC's son here Lace 'n' Ribbon Roses.
C&G Design
Words and photos by Dawn,C&G Design.
How very sad. I'm sorry for the loss of your blogging friend.
Oh Dawn I am so sorry! I did not know her but I knew the two of you were friends. How touching that her son and boyfriend wrote that for her fellow blogger friends! It's heartbreaking....she seemed like a ray of sunshine to me. I did find it fascinating that she loved Sun Bonnet Sue's and you loved Raggedies and the two of you shared those kind of common interests! I will say a prayer for her. Good to see you blogging. Sorry I have not been in touch the past few days...life is so crazy here right now....hope you are healing well??
Oh that is so sad. I wonder how old she was. I checked out her blog as I had never seen it before and it is a very nice blog so I am sure a lot of people are saddened to hear about her passing. I hope her son keeps the blog as I have bookmarked it as I would like to read more of it. I like her receipes.
I am so sorry about your blogging friend and I will pray for her family.
I did check her blog & found it very nice. It was very nice for her son & friend to let the blogging world know of her passing.
Life is so precious, and we are fortunate to get reminders like this now and then.
Welcome back girlfriend! So sorry to hear your hospital stay was so long. And so very happy to have you back. You were missed so much. It just wasn't the same without your daily blog post. Glad to hear the dolls were a bright spot. I hope something in that box was special for you.
I haven't blogged for awhile, my life is just too quiet, but I will be posting soon.
Luv and hugs
so sorry to hear of this Dawn. While here in TN helping my parents get back into their house, my mom gave me the old doll quit I slept under as a child. It reminds me of Lace and Ribbons rose header. I wonder if Sun Bonnet is the name of my quilt? I will show it to you once I get back to GA and snap a pic....
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