You know those really big purchases we all do? The home, the boat, the big screen tv....ha! I'm talking about the automobile, we all buy one but some of us go for what the current deal is and they never get what they want. I've next car will be a sporty suv crossover.
For the last two years I've had my eye on the Nissan rouge. Don't you like that name? "I'm Rouge", no one would mess with that. The Rouge is a mid-sized suv, sporty but alittle large...although if someone offered me one for a small monthly rental, I would not refuse it.The other day I ventured away from home and not to the hospital for a change, it was misty, cold and dark but it felt good to be breathing. I spied this newest Nissan in the parking lot of one of the Goodwill's I shop at. My husband, who by the way just bought a brand new shiny red pick-up, and I tossed around this crossover. Check out the rear door handle, it's up on the side of the window and it is there on the inside also. This is a Juke. I couldn't believe I was seeing it in person.
Besides "Juke" being associated with that large music playing box, it's also a phrase used in football. You know when the running receiver has the ball, comes upon a defender trying to stop him from getting a touchdown, and fancy foots a step to the side and back? That is "juking" or being "juked". I like it, I like it.
I was hoping I wouldn't find a siren running with the police pulling up along side of me for fear the owner of this black beauty reported a crazy woman hanging around their Juke. I didn't but I also couldn't resist.
I see my Juke the color called ''copper jack-o-lantern''......
oh, oh, how 'bout ''electric island blue''! C&G Design
That would be the best ride. I kinda like the blue. Go for it.
You are sooooo excited about this "Juke" I think you have to have one immediately!! I like the copper and the blue too. I just looked them up on the Nissan website and that blue is beautiful. Are they really 55,000 or was I seeing things??? It's definitely a cute one Dawn! You sound write about driving on a dark and misty day but feeling good about breathing....that's gratitude...and that's a good place to be my friend. Good for you.:)
I am so happy you are getting out and about Dawn :-) You need to continue to do the fun things that keep you happy. I say get your butt to the dealer and find that Blue Juke as soon as you can. That should perk your spirits and make you feel like a million bucks when cruising around in it.
Yep, Go For It Girl......
My hubby would like the one in the parking lot as he likes the dark cars. Not me. The blue or copper sound good. I lean to the copper as I have seen a few and like it. Different so I like it but it may be a color for a car that one might get tired of but probably not me.
It's a pretty baby! I hope you get it soon but in the meantime just borrow hubby's nice new truck:)
You deserve a new vehicle!!
This is a great lookiing car! I love that copper color. You would be ridin' in style in this beauty!
Love and hugs
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