Where was my head?
Floating around looking for some leftover chocolate would be my guess.........I had another treatment of chemo and with every thing, wow! I forgot about it being Raggedy Ann Wednesday. Well we can pretend for today.
I picked these cute ones up at a thrift shop this week and I have no idea what they are, my best guess is a moose, but....they can be a bear. Definitely a Ann of some sort, too cute.
My health regime is finally progressing along and soon enough I'll post on it. C&G Design
I am glad you are feeling better and it is coming along well. So very glad. Don't worry about missing Raggedy Ann Wednesday. Sometimes it is nice to just take a break. I plan to do so. Happy New Year! May 2011 bring a complete return to health and many joys to you and your family.
Oh I am so happy to hear that Dawn! You are finally getting your treatments so you can put this all behind you my friend. I know it is not easy but what a joy to read you went thrifting! Is that a word? Well it is for you and I right? I hope you sail right through this and get back to the "old" Dawn real soon and I hope you had a wonderful holiday! Today is my birthday and I am doing absolutely nothing...just the way I wanted it! I need to have some R & R from the holiday and renovating!
The earslook like a bear but the face is more of a moose so guess it is all in the beholders eye's.
Well oh happy, happy day going out to Debbie!!!!
Debbie... Happy Birthday girl! Relaxing after the holidays is an awesome gift to you.....
I am so happy to hear you are doing better Dawn! You have such a positive attitude and I do think that is a big part of healing. You are full of sweetness so stop looking for that chocolate girl. hee hee. I have hidden the fudge in the veggie bin for longer lasting days ahead. Lord knows I have been avoiding the veggies lately so it is save there. LOL....
I say that Ann is a Beary Moose! That covers all corners. :-) Don’t worry about missing a Wednesday, you have so many ahead of you girl….
I am raising my champagne glass on News Day to a year of healing for you girl….
I'm so happy to hear that you are doing good. My prayers go out to you.
I'm with Skeeter on the Beary Moose. I really like them.
I too say don't worry about missing Raggedy Ann day. We all think she is one fine little lady.
Wishing you & family a very Happy New Year that is full of good health, happiness, prosperity & all the wonderful things life has to offer.
Take care, stay warm, my friend.
Whatever these two are they are just adorable! Happy to hear things are moving along for you. Hope the New Year is a healthy and happy one for you. Maybe you and I and Debbie can get together when you are feeling up to it. I would love that!
Hugs & Love,
I hope you are doing well and getting lots of rest to mend.
Hi Dawn, Tina's post said about you being ill and suggested we pop over and wish you well - so here is me hoping that the chemo really kicks ass and you are soon feeling loads better.
Hi Dawn, I just wanted to say I'm thinking of you, and hope 2011 will be a year of healing and good health for you.
Hi Dawn, hope you aren't too deep in the white stuff. I must agree that this winter sure has been a strange one. More snow than usual in some places.
Sure hope all is going good for you. My thoughts are with you.
Take care, stay warm.
I hope you are doing well. Please get well soon!
I get so many hits for your wonderful post on the sweetgum ball crafts that I put a few links in to your blog so since I was here figured I'd say hi! Coming up to Maine this summer for a bit! See you then!
Hi Dawn jut checking in. Hope you are back on here soonest.
Well by golly I did not sink in my chair with dissapointment when I checked here this morning. I perked right up. No post but since the header has been changed I expect there will be a post soon. I LOVE, LOVE the new header!!!!! I tried commenting this morning and it would not take it so I figured (after trying several times as I am a slow learner) maybe it was cause it was dormant for a few months but then I went to Tina's and it did the same thing. I could not fool around any longer as I was taking Tom to Portland for shopping and MDA meeting so had to leave. Just got home and went to Tina's and it worked so then came here.
Thanks for the link yesterday. Very interesting. I never knew there were so many. I want to read each one but it will take a while. I read some last night. You can figure which one I read first. Now I hope this goes like it did on Tina's.
Dawn, thinking about you often. Guess what? It is COLD here in the SF Bay area! While my family in central NY is roasting in hot weather and humidity, we are freezing in 50s and 60s! :-)
Hope you are doing well. Can't wait to see you here again.
I like the new header also. I thought a new post from you. Hope all is going ok with you. Prayers are still with you.
I like the new header also. I thought a new post from you. Hope all is going ok with you. Prayers are still with you.
Hi Dawn. Just stopped by to say "Hi".
It's hot here & the humidity is awful. Needless to say I can't stay out in it for very long. We sure need some rain.
Take care, hope to see you on here soon.
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