Aw heck, why wait!?
"Ba-wa-ha-ha...sob...sob...Wahhhh.....sniff, sniff...." There...I'm done.
I'm not sure I want to set up some goals for the upcoming year except to say, I'll be spending a lot of time getting settled into my studio, making things work, having materials at a fingertip and enjoying a lifelong dream. I can also say....I've got to get some of my quilts finished and listed on Etsy. I really have some beautiful ones to finish, just not the space once they reach a larger point. Look out, Etsy!
I am going to try to keep with Raggedy Ann Wednesday, I'm very proud of the fact I made it with this last year. Ann and Andy has become near and dear to my heart, I think I may hold the record for the most blogging on the subject.
Lastly, although this is a month spread (from sprouting to blooming) on my goat's rue, and this plant is pink.....this is not a Pink Saturday post. I have been waiting for a 2nd year birthday party of pink Saturday to end my almost 2 years of posting with other pink bloggers. I have felt for a while now this it has not been fair to not visit others who blogged PINK. I found my time has become stretched on the weekends, especially this time of year. Myself and my family are very active when we have a day without sports, an event, after school activity and or social gathering of our kid's friends. Saturday is the day set aside for all of us, sometimes Sunday but I'm less tired Sunday night than I am on Saturday. In considering this.....I will no longer post on Saturday. IF I find a yearning to do so I will resume posting, for now it is what I feel I need.

I hope you will still stay with C&G Design and comment as your impute is important to me. I have many smiles at the humor that is conveyed in the commenting along with the "OH" moments that comes with a knowledgeable comment. I like the connection with sharing my projects, quirks, family and life in general, with everyone, and I truly think that without posting, I'd have wayyyy many more unfinished projects hanging out, so a big thanks to you all!
Dawn, congratulations on your two year anniversary! I was almost in tears with you when reading about the studio. Even though there is lots of space here, there is no place to work. What a dream come true! I can't wait to see it.
Thank you for all the inspiration. And, thank you for keeping me sane all those winter and rainy months I sat alone on the side of a mountain wondering if I would make it another day! Okay, now I am in tears! (I just know his travel will start again soon, but the sun has been out, the windows are open and I CAN make it through the summer.)
I look forward to your New England posts and am so comforted by a blogger "nearby". Still, I cannot for the life of me figure out how you can have a garden with all the wilde beasts that roam around here. In awe!
Congratulations Dawn. I've enjoyed all your post, but I do understand. Family comes first. Your getting some much needed rest is all important.
We will be here, enjoying all.
Congrats on 2 years!! You are stopping blogging on 1 day out of 7? I do not know how you bloggers do it 7 days a week so it will be fine with me, I will still read 6 days a week but must admit, I will like 1 day a week off myself and all I do is read. Maybe that 1 day I can read some others that I like. I usually read Debbie and Kathleen but have not got caught up on either since I got back home.
Enjoy your 1 day a week off!
For some reason Dawn this post left me near tears! You have such a way with words and I am so proud of you that family comes first. Like Jean said...only 6 out of 7 days! Oh my! I can't even get 2 in a week or sometimes a month! How the heck do you do it?? I am so excited for you to get into YOUR new woman cave! Excellent post...you touched on a lot and I think everyone will absolutely understand about the Pink Saturdays. Geez...I didn't even know about the Raggedy Wednesday's! That's how much I pay attention! Egad! And thanks Jean for stopping by my blog...how sweet!!
Happy Anniversary!!
Congrats on your two year blog anniversary Dawn.I know you love your blog and we all love reading your blog, but I think you can miss one day of blogging and spend that time with your family, especially at times when they need you.
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