Dr Conrad Murry is still in medical practise although not allowed to administer sedatives. The doctor is scheduled for a criminal trail in August, as we all know.....he gave Michael the drug the eventually took the star's life. Joe Jackson filed a wrongful death suit on Friday, the last day available to do so. Commenter's say it's not for monetary gain although he is the only one left out of Michael's will, and the only one named on the suit.
I have to say that I hope the right thing in done with this, to many talented performers have died a early death do to the availability of the the doctors writing prescription drugs so easily. There is something so sad about ones life whom lives in the eye of the public, all the time. It must be horrid to have to watch everything,...I mean everything. Who your true friends are and worse, who your kids true friends are....
Rest in peace. C&G Design
Words and photos by Dawn,C&G Design.
There has been a lot in the news lately about him. I watched the special on Animal PLanet about Bubbles. Very interesting.
It is strange, well maybe sad is a better word, that some doctors will do anything for a buck and then some that reall need a good pill do not get it. But then again, I guess some of the blame has to go to Michael himself. Then again, who am I to judge as I never walked in his shoes.
Sad, that a life was lost way before time. Life is precious regardless if one is in the "lime light" or just an ordernary "Joe".
Funny you should write this Dawn. We just got done watching "This is it"...the show of clips put together by family regarding the music tour in the UK Michael was about to have. It was SO interesting and it made my look at Michael Jackson very, very, differently for the first time. That doctor and any others that do that should be put in jail. They are nothing more than drug pushers! Why do they think they are above the law??? He actually killed Michael and then tried to cover it up!! Thanks for bringing it up!
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