My husbands warranty is pro-rated though, I believe that some of his health is still guaranteed, he acts better than all of us!
Anyway, I had my annual check-up and everything is fine except for being anemic, again. A repeat thing from last year. Well in the seven months since my last blood test, my red blood cells dropped to the stage of needing a transfusion, can ya figure out why I've had a hard time with stairs!

Anyway, that's what I'm doing today, having two out patient procedures at the local hospital and I should know something by the end of the day.
Excuse me if my posts are short until I get back in the swing of things. C&G Design
Words and photos by Dawn,C&G Design.
Hopefully they will figure it out Dawn. I had to had a waiver each year for when I was an Army ATC due to anemia. They did all sorts of tests with no bleeding detected. For some people I guess being anemic is normal. At least that is what they told me. Let us know what they find.
It sounds like you may be having a colonoscopy? and i am not sure how they would test your stomach? Regardless, they will find it and fix you and you will be fine. Prayers are going out for you. By the are NOT old...gosh I wish I was back in my 40's again. As my father used to say..."Don't complain about getting old, it's a privilege denied to many." I always remember that when i fell like complaining because some days I want to complain about a lot!! Good luck my friend.~..~
Hi Debbie, yes, one is the colonoscopy and the other is endoscopy, down the throat. Last night did not go well, I started the "jug" and the first drink came right back up. Wretched so hard I pulled a muscle in my back! How do you do that with a possiable stomache problem. Ah well, the rest has stayed down....and out.
Tina, I did not know that, nana had issues too.
Hope all works out well for you!
Yikes, this all sounds a bit scary but you have the doctors on it... For once, you have to go to the doll repair shop. Hang in there...
Nothing would bring up Nana's blood and finally the dr just said that sunshine is the best thing for low blood. She hated sunshine!! However, she did get sunshine till her blood came up and was okay after that.
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