Not much is going on in my neck of the woods lately, I've done alittle crafting but it is an order I got while in the hospital (good thing the lady is willing to wait).
Other than that it's doctor visits and concentrating on healing while speeding closer to having chemotherapy.
I found this article while perusing the Internet the other day, it's from Newsweek, can ya believe that? Newsweek. The bit is on funny businesses and a doll doctor is top ranking, or the doll hospitals in general.
I guess not everyone can see the value in repairing a childhood memory, or cleaning a discarded art piece worth thousands, but hey....it ranks with the bubble busters (gum cleaners) and people who breed giant rabbits. I'd much rather be doing repairs on dolls than the other things listed but to each it's own......see Funny Business.
I sometimes think these unusual jobs come from a need for employment.
Don't you? C&G Design