In 1941 Barbara Annalee Davis married Charles "Chip" Thorndike the son of a Boston physician. Together they resided in Meredith, New Hampshire and worked their chicken farm everyday. After some time chicken farming in New Hampshire became non-profitable and Barbara Annalee took back to creating dolls changing the coop into the design room.

Barbara Annalee Thorndike passed away at her home, the age of 87 in 2002, after a long illness.
C&G Design
Never heard of AnnaLee dolls before. Interesting.
Their faces are so beautiful. She was a wonderful artist. I love her sense of humor.
Wouldn't it be great to start a business like that and make it profitable?
I have never seen nor heard of these dolls before. Hum, very interesting post on her Dawn. They have such fun faces...
I am with Tina and Skeeter in I do not ever remember seeing or hearing of these dolls but I wonder why as they really are adorable.
I'm catching up here....Love the Anna Lee dolls. I have been aware of them for quite some time. I always thought their faces were wonderful. I did not not the creator had passed away. Thanks for the info on her. Wooly is just beautiful. I love a cat that loves to be loved. Those animal dolls...they are too cute. I would love to see them in different outfits....I will be interested to see what you do. Hope you are doing well, and staying warm. Why haven't we had any snow lately? Remember last year? Hugs, Kathleen
I love Annalee dolls. We used to scour garage sales, etc. for them in Florida!
Great post, Dawn. One of my faves of all times.
Oh my gosh!!!! I've never heard of her before,so thank you for the wonderful introduction to her dolls. The oh my gosh!!!! is because I love them. What sweet,adorable faces these little sweeties have,They're just adorable. Do you suppose ebay has some of these little cuties???
Thanks for your sweet comment..I haven't a clue how I want my blog header to be..since that's going to be done..yayyayyy and yippeeee, I'm thinking while she's doing that,to find out the cost of a whole blog re-do. I'm tired of looking bland and blahhhh. I will probably need some help and input from you,if you would be so kind to offer an opinion. Your blog really pops,and thats what I want mine to do as well.
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