This is thirsty walker by Horseman. I have her in the bald and na-kid form.

I really need to do a composition doll again,
it's a habit, without obvious withdrawal. C&G Design
Words and photos by Dawn,C&G Design.
I am a
What Flower
Are You?
The military has a way of changing boys into men. The transformation is something. It was nice he visited you all.
Hi Dawn....bee busy myself too! Wow...your stepson sounds like he is all grown up now! That's a lot of years to change. I really like the doll in the red dress for some reason but I am also a big fan of primitives and a couple of those black dolls looked the part. Hope all is well...are you sick of this damned humidity yet? My lord....will it ever stop???
Those are nice dolls. Can't pick a favorite.
So glad you stepson visited. They do grow up.
Love the sculpture doll and the thirsty walker.
Guess your stepson has grown into a man since you last saw him.
Whenever stepson came here with you guys was quite skinny. Now with some meat on those bones I just bet he is a very handsome man.
The dolls are all very fine dolls but when I saw Pinocchio I thought it would be my fav but then I saw the Deluxe Reading Doll and she is exquisite! The cloth sculpture one is very well made, so much so. I would not have know it was a cloth sculpture. Whoever made is is at the top of her game for sure.
Never liked the Yankkees or their leader (Steinbrenner) but have to admit that it was interesting to follow all his antics and that he sure knew who to go after and who not to go after. He pulled the Yankees out of the celler after buying them way back when. Sad day for many. Have to tip a hat to a smart man that just happened to be on the other side of the fence from me.
Mom, The tv has it all over the place. They comment "Say what you might about the Yankees but thanks to Steinbrenner, everyone, EVERYONE loves to hate them!" Too sad today, I agree.
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