This is a little kit I bought for my son 17 years ago, we never opened it. I think it is from the seventies or eighties.

How curious I am to hear the singing voices of this brother and sister! I'm not sure what happened that caused us to overlook opening this booklet and cassette tape but I'm glad I did. Perhaps my son wasn't the raggedy Ann and Andy type.
But let there be ONE will be Christmas with Ann and Andy.
Hopefully cassette players will still be around. C&G Design
Words and photos by Dawn,C&G Design.
You'll probably have tons of grandchildren. Just give it time.
The grand kids will love it. Maybe I'm too sentimental but Raggedy Ann was much more lovable and interesting than Sponge Bob or Elmo:) Who wants to snuggle up with a sponge?
You are quite a saver Dawn! That's awesome but it is also the reason you had so many things to unpack too! Arggg....isn't that always the way? Hubbie keeps telling me I need to get rid of this or that and I pack it up and put it somewhere else! I figure I just need a bigger house. My son and girlfriend are sleeping upstairs in my room right now and there is NOT much room there! Maybe i will blog about them!
Oh dear, don't rush the grandchild thing!!!!!! I am happy with 3 great grandchildren for now. However, when there is one more, that will make an awesome gift.
You have such patience! I'd be tempted to open it up and listen!!!
Wait till you get a GS & a GGS in the same yr. I just said that's enough. A granddaughter, the rest are boys. She gave me my GGS's.
My niece, another "only girl" loves the Raggedy Ann & Andy. I have no idea what or how many she has.
Jean, they sure are precious aren't they?
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