Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The second birthday book

Last Raggedy Wednesday I highlighted a birthday present my husband located for me, a book (see here), this is the other book he found. Raggedy Ann and the Magic Book. This hard bound book was published in 1939, somewhere in Britain. The special thing about this story is the illustrations by Worth Gruelle, Johnny's son.

You can see Worth inherited a lot of Johnny's talent. I love these little Ann and Andy.

I may post this story as it is a whole book so it will take up some Wednesday as we go along but I definitely want to read it.

The quality of the pages in this book are similar to photos, it's a sweet gift from a thoughtful guy.

And this little snippet is at the end of the book.

Words to live by. C&G Design

Words and photos by Dawn,C&G Design.


tina said...

I like the Gruelle deal. Such a nice mantra and really good!

P.S. Great on the wifi! You mean wireless networking right? Now you can blog from the couch!

Dawn said...

Wireless when I have my surgery. Hospitals have come a ways.

joey said...

I love books and old books are treasures!

Debbie said...

I love that they don't want any of that in their books! I remember checking my blog in the hallway of the hospital!! I am thinking of you and if all goes well today....which so far it has not...I will be calling you! I woke up with a terrible allery again...this time my left eye! Below the eye is a big area filled with fluid! Yuck! I am NOT leaving the house today if I can get away with it and will be on benedryl I guess and be drowsy. Oh well...I am alive! You have such a great husband that he would get that for you!!

Dawn said...

Debbie, The reception gave me a code to sign in with my own laptop! How cool is that? Not so much a overdose on T.V. and I can get email.
Don't worry about calling me, ugh on the allergies especially the eye and all this heat on top of it! Hurricane coming though, button down, I know I'm nagging my hubby about it.

Jean Merriman said...

Oh that is such a cute book. JOAT's is such a sweetie!

Lola said...

Love those old books. I like the Gruelle idea. Too much violence today for kids to see or read.