Anyway, the first photo of me was snapped yesterday. For close to 30 years I've had hair down to my lower shoulder blades, now it is short.
Here is the back and you can see how baby fine it is, I've snipped the top and the sides in hopes it will grow faster.
This is the middle of my illness. husband cutting what was left. Only the sides were to my shoulder but the back was bare. I held the sides back with a hair clip, after awhile that didn't work much either. I saw so much of it on my hospital bed in February, I decided time to cut it off. Control with cancer is important to the patient. Oh yah, I did go blond just to see what it looked like.
Remember our nice congressman Weiner? Well, Good Morning American analyzed his facial mannerisms and talked about his lying pursed lips. The facilitator commented that a furrowed brow means sadness. That's all I see in the last two photos, it seemed like a very long time before I'd be done with chemotherapy and so many things happened.
Here I am though, and today.....I laugh with life. C&G Design
It is good to see you!
Yes, it's very good to see you back and that baby doll is lovely. Chemotherapy helps you to overcome the cancer and to loose hair is the price of it but you must think positive and try scarfs (find the most beautiful scarf, blue, yellow,red you can change the colour to suit with your clothes) or wig if it feels good. You must fight and think positive !!!!! There is still so many things to do and places to visit !! We all support you, remember that !!!!!!! and we love your dolls too :)
You look kind of like me in that first picture. Great picture btw. I love the blond. Very nice. Short hair is not so bad. Especially once you pass 45ish-or so I'm told:)
I was looking over that first pic and wondering who it was that you remind me of.... Well Tina of course! You do look like Tina in that pic girl.....
You look beautiful hair or not. The inside is what matters most to this gal....
It has grown quite a bit in the last 3 weeks since I have seen you and it looks like there is more color to it than you thought there would be. After reading the comments I gotta go back and look at the pictures again as I did not notice you looking like Tina. You 2 have NENER looked like each other. The 2 dark haired sisters looked alike while the 2 redhead looked alike except for the fact that all 4 of you, for the most part, have your fathers eyes. Both in color and shape.
You look like the same Dawn I met except that your hair is shorter. How freaking brave of a woman are you!! You are revealing yourself to all of us during probably the most trying time of your life and you wouldn't even post a picture of yourself before?? You are my hero...I am so lucky to know you...and I am so thrilled beyond belief that you are back! Your courage, Dawn, has taught me something today. To look beautiful...and so wise...wise beyond your years. All of our prayers were answered...thank you God. You made it Dawn!! Yeeeeeha!!
What I see is a very beautiful woman. One that has been through ---- but has won it all. I'm glad you are back. I've missed your blog.
I thought you looked like Tina in the first pic also. I like short hair. I can't wear mine long.
You look beautiful! Really. I've always thought short hair is sophisticated and the mark of a strong woman. You wear both well.
(Windows Live Writer works very well for me on picture placement. I love it!)
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