E I Horseman Composition Doll
EIH CO. INC stands for Edward ImesonHorseman, a wonderful doll manufacturer. He is my favorite doll maker. In the duration of his company, Horseman made only about 300+ characters, one includes Mary Poppins, another is the Campbell Soup doll. In 1909 Horseman developed a new non-breaking formula and released "Billiken" of Williken, and Nodd. I recently purchased this little guy off EBay, I was originally bidding on a non-talking Buffy. Remember Buffy? Jodie? and Mr Frenchie? Well, my Buffy is missing a arm but talks as clear as if she were standing right in front of you. Most found today do not speak. I had her arm but in the transition of moving, it was pitched. The bidding lot had a non-talking Buffy, Harley bear, old stuffed dog and a new Mickey. I felt certain I'd get it.
My Horseman doll auction ended one hour before the Buffy bidding stopped. Just for Ha, Ha,! I put a price in....never dreaming I'd win, I diiiiidd! 18.95 total cost, a almost unheard cost for Horseman. See his sleep eyes? Kinda creepy from this angle.
He came with all his parts, and even the arm disc with the attaching wire. when this disc is placed against another disc (just inside the cloth body at the socket), and the arm wire ran through the second disc, the arm itself with lift and lower with ease, it'll rotate even! My little guy has been restored with airbrushing, imagine my delight!Horseman dolls are still on the market, the current company mark is Horseman Ltd and the dolls are made in Hong Kong.
I lost Buffy at the last 3 seconds, drat! For the quicker computers. Oh well, I'm still looking. EIH arriving made it better. C & G Design
Oh my goodness, I did not plan to see the headless this morning! lol. Cant wait to see him with full body...
Sorry you did not get the Buffy doll. I wanted a Mrs. Beazley so bad when I was a child but that wish was one of many never fulfilled. lol... Keep your eyes open as I am sure Buffy is out there somewhere waiting for you to rescue her...
I didn't know you were an Ebay bidder. Good for you to get at least a consolation prize. P.S. I think any doll taken apart and displayed like that is a bit creepy-eyes or not!
Hi guys,
I keep forgetting you all aren't used to body parts.
Yes, I've got stuff off EBay, mostly things for building the house.
Ps, My computer isn't fast enough for bidding but seems to be for posting, forgot to check email again!
Heck no I'm not used to body parts laying around, flowers maybe but a bit different. But hey, it is your thing. Such a loss of Paul Newman dying. He was so great.
Good going on your new doll. He will be a beauty when all fixed up. I will always remember Buffy and Jodie as when Tina was little the show was new and with her red curley hair and freckles, depending on if you liked boys or girls the best, every one was always saying "Oh she looks just like Buffy or Jodie". I just saw a Jodie doll along with Mary Poppins and some Ragedy's in Betty's Attic Catalog.
He does have creepy eyes when lying down but not when upright.
Paul Newman was great and not very hard on the eyes either.
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