Penny Rug, Candle mat, Buffet cover
Imagine how excited I was to find a outlet place that has all the colors of the rainbow, in felt! Seventy five inches wide! Price...$5.99 a yard, well, not too bad. On this day I looked farther and found they had a over abundance of navy blue, it is only thirty inches wide at $0.99. I think....I could do something with that.
How about a penny rug? Since I need something on Etsy, that what it'll be.
It's also my first TRUE, BLUE primitive. I posted about these quite some time ago, you can read about them by clicking here. Like the design I came up with?
I've got the pennies done, soon you'll see the rest! C&G Design
Dawn, I just love the design. Can't wait to see the finsihed piece. You rock, girl! HUgs, Kathleen
Pretty neat Dawn. I'll be looking forward to the rest.
Cool. Never heard of them. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Yes I like the design and look forward to the final peek.
Kathleen that was a bad accident up your way yesterday so I hope you did not know anyone in it.
Penny Lane! Ah, the end result. You always keep me going with anticipation, kind of like the ketchup bottle! :-)
Think thursday (gosh, I can drag out a project!)
Skeeter, great minds think alike. I was going to say in my final post, (Project became bigger, as always) that If I didn't see ketchup or mustard (pennies) for a month I'd be happy! I had to read your comment more than twice to picture what you were saying but for a moment I thought you could read my thoughts all the way from Georgia!
Dawn, tee hee...
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