Friday, August 22, 2008

Clothscapes part6-Orange house+Small surprises

I will change my mind a ga-zillion times about a project before it's done. Then I still don't know what comes out until I get that completed feeling that calls to me to...stop. I'm so happy I finished this little dam house (pun intended). It wasn't to bad to do it just appeared it would go quick, guess there is no such thing as quickly with a needle point project.

Anyway...few more stitches to review, they can be seen closer when you enlarge the top photo.

The tree trunk is made with a chain stitch used as a fill in, very creative.

The pink outline of the porch is the brick stitch, it is what it says. A staggered stitch of the same size, placed one above another, like bricks.

I'm not too sure about the stitch used in the tree foliage, I suspect it's a filler designed to create texture.

The water is what's called long and short stitch, similar to the brick stitch except it's a random pattern of long and short. It's meant to give the object gradual dimension.

All the other stitches in this landscape picture is either the satin, seed, or french knots. One interesting note about the way the house is stitched. I'd mentioned in the flower basket about the basket weave being done in a small satin stitch, it truly is....and it's in the house. BUT, but it is called Roumania stitch. With a name like that you'd think it came from Romania, no, it falls under Oriental Laid work from China. It's a stitch used to give shading as you can see well in the roof of my house. It's loosely based on the satin stitch and it is said the New England women preferred this stitch to the long and short because you wasted nothing on the back of your work. Every stitch begins a thread over!

On to small surprises....guess I was a bit bored with this house (shocks me so!).

I picked up First Prize at the County Fair. Each one was done in a day.

Strawberries in the satin stitch.....
Peaches in the long and short stitch.......

Raspberries in french knots.......

I'm thinking I'll frame each one in fabric before stitching together. C&G Design.


tina said...

They look great!

Dawn said...

I'm glad the house is done. Did you see my sidebar? You should join Pink Sat as you must have many flowers with pink.

Jean Merriman said...

As always they are great but as I always say, a lotta work. Wow 1st place at the county faair!!! Great job, you go girl!!!

Skeeter said...

Good job!
Ever frame one then notice you missed a stitch? Been there, done that! lol...

Gonna be out of town for the next couple of days. I will pop back in as soon as I can....

Everyone have a good weekend!

Dawn said...

Duh! I just remembered Skeeter has all the sat except the first one of the month and that is me! Brain cramp.

tina said...

Yes, next Saturday is yours and I can't wait to see what you post on. I do love your postings from Maine so much!